Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fresh New Year

Every year many of us make new year resolutions, as I'm about to make some of my own I can't help but wonder what it is about flipping the calendar that makes it feel like a clean slate. For many of us the only thing that changes is our fiscal calendar and that doesn't usually change our financial status. I'm also pondering why a fresh slate is such inspiration to make changes, why do we always quit smoking on Monday, or start the diet on Monday, or some other "worthy" "fresh start" day?

So for my New Year's Resolution, pertaining inparticular to this blog is A) to blog more because B) I plan to cook more healthily each week. The challenges to this are running out of time in the evenings because I "failed to plan" I didn't know what I was cooking and didn't have the ingredients I need. Also, I believe I'm fairly addicted to the junk food I eat. But I need to do this to wean myself from the junk food and other bad to midiocre decisions I make. I vow before you all (is there anyone else out there?) to not eat at the school cafeteria once for the rest of the school year (you didn't see the HUGE pause before really thinking if I could get away with just until spring break or if I could go all the way). This will be tough, but perhaps the motivation I need to cook my heart out. I also vow to go the ENTIRE YEAR without eating at McDonald's. I never used to eat there but when I was pregnant that's all the child wanted, and I learned they're fast and easy and little bite size snacks, but I've also learned, they're dripping in grease, give me an upset stomach, and are just gross, and not to mention, so bad for our world! So here I go, the kids in day care and I'm all set to cook away! I better get going if I'm to get it all done, I'll let you know how it goes in my tiny kitchen, and hey, maybe even snap a few pictures along the way. Wish me luck!

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