Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Beans, Beans, Beans, Hooray!

Ok, I'm really proud of my bean accomplishment. Wed. I made beans, see last post. But it get's better. We were gone all weekend fishing and camping but I through the beans in the cooler, added some cheese packaged (like tuna) chicken and tortillas and we had that as a lunch one day. On Sunday we had quesadillas again, added salsa and sour cream now that we were at home.

The next night I through the last of the beans in a pot and made black bean soup out of it. It might seem like a lot of beans in one week and it kinda was, but the tastes were all so different and many of the nights were interupted by something else that it didn't seem like the same food. So for $1-2 we had enough beans to be the protein component of three meals. By far one of my prouder cooking moments!

Did I mention I went to a bean cooking class tonight? 12 or so different bean recipes we sampled, delicious! I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm turning to my southern roots

Actually I don't have much for southern roots, though I guess my dad's side is from Kansas and maybe Ohio (very close to WV). Anyway, I made black beans and corn bread tonight and was actually craving it lately. It used to be that I thought the meal was edible, then I sorta liked it, now I'm actually craving it and looking forward to it, hooray. It's such an easy and healthy meal and The Child eats it too. I've learned to soak the beans overnight (don't tell my father-in-law, a West Virginia purest who doesn't soak, worries instead), then in the morning I peel a few onions, toss the water (is not changing the water what really gives people so much gas or is this an old tale?), add fresh water, throw in the onions, throw in a little pepper, turn the crock pot on low and away I go. When I get home I turn on the toaster oven, give the beans a stir, pull out the cast iron pan, give it a greasing and mix up a pan of buttermilk cornbread. Throw it in the toaster oven, by the time the table is set, I've uncovered the beans to let them cool a little and we're eating in 20 minutes! Don't forget the sour cream if you want just a little cold contrast to the hot beans. A new household favorite, I could probably eat them more often than my husband right now. Left overs are great for enchiladas, tostadas, tacos, rice,